GoodCharlie Blog

Gas and Electric in Texas

Written by Daryl Lawrence | Apr 26, 2023 2:26:31 PM

Bundling is all the rage these days when it comes to insurance, entertainment, and so much more. You can bundle your home and auto insurance policies to save money, bundle multiple video streaming services, and bundle your student loan payments for a lower rate. Because of how popular it is to bundle expenses together in the hopes of saving money and simplifying your bills, people often wonder if they can bundle their gas and electric bills. 

While there are some utility companies offering both gas and electric, it's not always possible or wise to bundle them together. For starters, most companies offer either gas or electric, rather than both utilities. Additionally, it won't necessarily save you time or money to have your gas and electric bills bundled together. 


  1. Are Gas and Electric Plans the Same in Texas? 
  2. Do Companies Offer Gas and Electric in Texas? 
  3. Do I Need Both Gas and Electric? 
  4. Average Gas and Electric Bills in Texas 
  5. Is It Cheaper to Bundle Your Gas and Electric Plans? 
  6. Is Gas Cheaper Than Electricity? 
  7. Does GoodCharlie Energy Offer Gas Plans? 


Are Gas and Electric Plans the Same in Texas? 

If you're not familiar with the gas and electric markets in Texas, it's easy to get them confused with one another. The main reason this happens is that gas and electric companies both get referred to by the same names, such as energy companies, energy providers, utility companies, and so on. 

Gas and electric companies get referred to by these names because they're both technically energy and utility companies. However, while they provide a similar service, they do it using different types of energy. 

Gas Companies 

Gas companies provide energy and power to your home through the use of natural gas or propane (LP). Gas can provide power to your furnace, fireplace, stove, dryer, or water heater. However, in its raw form, gas can't provide you with electricity to power your lights, outlets, or electrical appliances. 

Electric Companies

Electric companies power the outlets, lights, electrical appliances, and some large appliances in your home or business using electricity. However, electricity isn't found naturally in nature and needs to get created out of something, which often happens to be gas. While electricity from wind and solar power is on the rise in Texas, gas remains the main source of electricity. 

Because of how interconnected and similar gas and electric companies are in Texas, they're easy to confuse with one another. 


Do Companies Offer Gas and Electric in Texas? 

Depending on where you live in the Lonestar state, some companies will offer both gas and electric services. However, because gas and electric are different services and forms of energy, they're often provided by different companies. This is especially true if you live in a deregulated part of Texas where retail electric providers are the main distributors of electricity. 

Do I Need Both Gas and Electric? 

While it's possible to power everything in your home with electricity, many people prefer to have gas and electricity, and here's why. 

  1. Gas is much cheaper than electricity and more efficient at powering certain appliances such as furnaces, water heaters, stoves, dryers, and heaters. 
  2. Gas provides more power to the appliances mentioned above than electricity. 
  3. Using gas to power your high-demand appliances will free up your electricity to power smaller appliances and devices. 
  4. On average, your utility bills will be lower when you use gas to power high-demand appliances and save your electricity for other things and devices. 


While having both gas and electric at your home is cheaper and more efficient, it's also more damaging to the environment. Power provided by electricity, specifically from renewable resources, is much more eco-friendly than gas power. 


Average Gas and Electric Bills in Texas 

In most of Texas, both the gas and electric markets are deregulated. This means that gas and electric providers get to decide their own energy rates and plans. As a result, it's tough to say what the average utility bills are in Texas because it's different in every area. On average, however, people in Texas will pay around $110 per month for gas and $140 per month for electricity. 

If you only have electricity, however, your bill can skyrocket to upwards of $300 per month. Once again, this depends on where you live, the current cost of gas and electricity, who your providers are, and what types of gas and electric plans you have. 

Is Gas Cheaper Than Electricity? 

Even though gas is less eco-friendly than electricity, it's more efficient and cheaper. Therefore, many people prefer to use gas to power certain large appliances. If you want electricity that's eco-friendly and nearly as cheap as gas, contact us at GoodCharlie Energy! 

Is It Cheaper to Bundle Your Gas and Electric Plans? 

Whether you prefer gas, electricity, or a combination of the two to provide power to your home, it's going to be expensive. Both gas and electricity take time, resources, energy, and manpower to produce. Additionally, the pipes, cables, lines, and transformers that carry these forms of energy don't take care of themselves. Part of your monthly utility bill also goes to compensate the people that manage these entities. 

While gas and electricity are expensive, any way you look at it, some energy companies who offer both resources offer discounts when you bundle your gas and electric plans together with them. This can save you time and money when you're paying your monthly bills. 

What's the Catch? 

As with all discounts and deals, however, there's a catch to bundling your gas and electric plans. Even though your gas and electric rate might be cheaper from the company offering both plans, it isn't necessarily cheaper than finding individual gas and electric plans from separate companies. Because of the convenience factor, however, most people don't care about how much they could save by not bundling their gas and electric plans. 

Does GoodCharlie Energy Offer Gas Plans?

If you're more concerned about saving money than bundling your gas and electric plans, GoodCharlie Energy is the electric provider for you. While we don't yet offer gas plans to our customers, we're one of the best and newest electricity providers in Texas. In addition to competitive, fixed-rate electricity plans, we have one of the best customer service departments in Texas, as well as outstanding rewards and benefits, especially if you're a pet owner. Contact us to learn more or to sign up for your new electricity plan today!