GoodCharlie Blog

Preparing for a Hurricane: Essential Steps to Weather the Storm

Written by Daryl Lawrence | Jul 29, 2024 2:08:14 PM

During hurricane season, it's crucial to ensure you and your loved ones are prepared for potential storms. Hurricanes can cause widespread disruption, including power outages, flooding, and evacuation orders. In this blog, we’ll explore comprehensive steps to prepare for a hurricane, including how to manage electricity outages and how to care for your pets during a storm.

1. Understand the Hurricane Threat

Before preparing, it’s vital to understand the levels of hurricane threats, gauge your risk, and stay informed. Keep track of local weather forecasts and pay attention to alerts from the National Hurricane Center. Familiarize yourself with evacuation routes and emergency shelter options in your area.

2. Prepare Your Emergency Kit

Creating an emergency kit is essential. Here’s what to include:

  • Water: One gallon per person per day for at least three days, plus enough for pets.
  • Non-Perishable Food: At least a three-day supply of ready-to-eat food.
  • Battery-Powered or Hand-Crank Radio: NOAA Weather Radio if possible.
  • Flashlights: With extra batteries.
  • First Aid Kit: Include any necessary medications.
  • Tools: Can opener for canned food, multi-tool, and any specific items needed for your home.
  • Personal Hygiene Items: Wipes, hand sanitizer, and other essentials.
  • Documents: Copies of insurance policies, identification, and important medical information, stored in a waterproof container.

3. Plan for Electricity Outages

Power outages are common during hurricanes. Here’s how to prepare:

  • Protect Your Electronics: Use surge protectors to safeguard electronics from power surges, and consider unplugging them to prevent damage during outages.
  • Plan for Cooling and Heating: Identify ways to stay cool (fans, ice) in case of prolonged outages. Have battery-powered or solar chargers available for your cell phones and other essential devices.
  • Invest in a Generator: If budgets allow, a generator can provide power for your refrigerator, medical devices, and lights.
  • Know How to Use It: Familiarize yourself with the generator’s operation, ensuring you have enough fuel and it’s used outdoors to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning.
  • 4. Secure Your Home

Protecting your home is vital during a hurricane:

  • Reinforce Windows and Doors: Use storm shutters or plywood to board up windows and doors. Secure doors with braces or hinges.
  • Clear the Yard: Remove any loose items such as patio furniture, decorations, or garden tools that can become dangerous projectiles in high winds.
  • Check the Roof and Gutters: Ensure everything is secure and clear of debris.

5. Create a Pet Emergency Plan

Pets are an essential part of the family, so it’s important to prepare for them as well:

  • Pet Emergency Kit: Pack food, water, medications, a leash, a favorite toy, and any necessary documentation (vaccination records).
  • Pet ID: Ensure your pets have collars with ID tags and are microchipped with up-to-date information.
  • Safe Space: Designate a safe area in your home where pets can go during the storm, away from windows and flying debris.
  • Evacuation Plan: If you have to evacuate, research pet-friendly shelters in advance. Not all shelters allow pets, so it helps to have options ready.

6. Stay Informed

Regularly check the latest weather updates and advisories. Use a weather app or NOAA Weather Radio to stay informed during the storm.

7. After the Storm

Once the hurricane has passed, be cautious:

  • Avoid Downed Power Lines: Stay away from any wires that are down and report them immediately.
  • Inspect for Damage Safely: Look for hazards both inside and outside your home. Document any damage for insurance claims.
  • Be Cautious of Contaminated Water: If you see flooding, avoid drinking tap water until you confirm it's safe.


Preparation is key to weathering a hurricane safely. By understanding the risks, crafting an emergency plan, securing your home, and caring for both family and pets, you can significantly reduce the impact of a hurricane on your household. Take the necessary steps now, and ensure you are ready to face whatever Mother Nature may bring.

Stay safe, stay informed, and remember: preparation today can lead to peace of mind tomorrow.