If you're new to Richardson, TX, or have been a lifelong resident, choosing an electricity plan is an important decision. Choosing the right plan could save you hundreds of dollars annually while choosing the wrong one could cost you big bucks. However, because electricity in Richardson is deregulated, choosing the right plan and company is more difficult than you might expect. If you're struggling to make the right choice, you've come to the right place.
Richardson, TX is home to a deregulated electricity market. This means that power companies in Richardson can decide their own rates and plans without the fear of government regulation or oversight. Deregulation also means that the residents of Richardson can choose an electricity plan to fit their needs rather than opting for a plan with the company closest to them.
However, whether you live in a regulated or deregulated part of Texas, electricity always arrives at your home or business the same way.
In a nutshell, electricity goes from the power plant to the REP to you, and it's all facilitated by local utility companies.
Because Richardson has a deregulated electricity market, rates and prices are constantly fluctuating. Currently, however, the average electricity rate in Richardson is right around 13 cents/kWh. This results in an average monthly Richardson electricity bill of between $160 and $190, depending on how much electricity you use.
While 13 cents/kWh is the average Richardson electricity rate, you have the potential to find a much more affordable plan. Currently, GoodCharlie Energy is offering 12-36-month fixed-rate electricity plans for an average of 11.5 cents/kWh. This could reduce your monthly bill to $130 or $140, saving you several hundred dollars annually.
In addition to the dozens of different electricity companies in Richardson, there are also many different types of plans. The plan you choose could have a significant impact on your electricity bill.
As their name indicates, a prepaid plan is where you pay for electricity at the beginning of the month before actually using it. Prepaid plans are simplistic, don't require a deposit or credit check, and are easy to plan for. However, their main disadvantage is that their electricity rates tend to be much higher than other plans.
Flat-rate electricity plans are where you pay a "flat rate" for your electricity, regardless of how much you use. Therefore, if your power company decides that your flat rate is $200, you'll pay that amount whether you use 100 kWh or 2,000 kWh of electricity. Bear in mind, however, that power companies often figure very high, and you rarely get your money's worth with flat-rate plans.
With a variable-rate plan, your electricity rate fluctuates from month-to-month depending on the electricity market. While this can sometimes result in savings, your rate is more likely to increase than it is to decrease.
Finally, you have the option of choosing a fixed-rate electricity plan. Fixed-rate plans are the most popular option in Richardson because they allow you to get locked into an affordable rate that won't change until the end of your contract. As we said before, GoodCharlie Energy currently offers one to three-year fixed-rate plans with an average rate of 11.5 cents/kWh, which is one of the best rates in Richardson. Contact us to learn more, or sign up today!
Because of its proximity to Dallas, Fort Worth, and Plano, most of the major retail electric providers operating in Texas are available in Richardson. This includes the following.
While these are some of the biggest and most popular power companies in Texas, they might not be the right power company for you. To know for sure, you should do some research and look into each of these companies. You should then compare them to GoodCharlie Energy to see how they size up against one another. There's a good chance that GoodCharlie will win out in the end.
Though we might be new to the electricity field, GoodCharlie Energy is quickly becoming one of the most popular REPs in Richardson. A big part of why this is happening is because we're more than just your average electricity company. In addition to outstanding fixed-rate plans, top-notch customer service, and a competitive benefits package, we're also a REP with a purpose. Our ultimate goal is to make Texas a no-kill state and the best place for a dog to live.
Currently, Texas euthanizes more than 100,000 dogs, cats, and other pets every year. Our goal, with your help, is to take this staggering number to zero. This means that when you enroll in an electricity plan with GoodCharlie Energy, you're doing it to benefit yourself, your dog, and all the other pets in Texas. To that end, here are some of the benefits we offer and the advantages of choosing GoodCharlie.
Depending on where you're located in Richardson, TX, GoodCharlie Energy is available to you. The only exception is if you're located in the 75085 zip code. However, even though we aren't available in this zip code at the moment, you should sign up for our email alerts because we'll likely be available before long. Contact us to make the switch and sign up today!