Top 10 Human Foods That are Toxic for Cats

Most of our focus at GoodCharlie Energy has been keeping you up to date about caring for your dogs. However, we love cats just as much as dogs, which means we also want to provide information about caring for them. 

One of the most important things to remember about cats is that they can't eat everything humans can. Not only are certain foods unhealthy for cats, but some are toxic and could prove deadly. For that reason, it's important to understand which human foods are toxic to cats and which ones are ok for kitty consumption. 


  1. Grapes and Raisins 
  2. Chocolate 
  3. Liver 
  4. Raw Fish 
  5. Onions, Chives, and Garlic 
  6. Bones 
  7. Alcohol 
  8. Nuts
  9. Coconut Flesh and Water
  10. Dog Food
  11. What to Do if Your Cat Ate Something Toxic 
  12. Conclusion


  1. Top 10 Human Foods That are Toxic for CatsJoin The Pack

Grapes and Raisins 

The first entry on our list should be no surprise if you're a dog owner. Grapes and raisins have been found to cause kidney failure in cats and dogs. While the exact reason is unknown, there's an ingredient in grapes and raisins that simply doesn't sit well with cats. Even small amounts of them can be enough to prove deadly. 


Chocolate is another universally terrible food for cats, dogs, and any other type of pet you have. Chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine, both of which act as heart stimulants. The two ingredients work together to put your cat's heart into overdrive, which can lead to a heart attack or cardiac arrest. 


Feeding liver to your cat will have a slower effect than grapes and chocolate, but a dangerous one nonetheless. Liver is very heavy in Vitamin A, which can be toxic in large enough doses. Because of how small cats are, their systems cannot handle large quantities of Vitamin A. It can then cause damage to their bones and slowly kill them from the inside out in large enough doses. 

What to Do if Your Cat Ate Something Toxic

Raw Fish 

If you're familiar with Garfield, you're probably wondering how on earth fish can be toxic to cats. While cooked fish are perfectly fine, you should never feed raw fish to your cats. In addition to dangerous bacteria in raw fish, they contain an enzyme capable of destroying thiamine. Losing too much thiamine can lead to neurological issues and, eventually, even a coma or death. 

Onions, Chives, and Garlic 

Onions, garlic, and chives go great on many dishes, but not in your cat's dish. The ingredients in onions, garlic, and chives, break down your cat's red blood cells, which can lead to anemia. They will also cause indigestion and gastrointestinal issues. 

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The danger that bones represent to cats isn't necessarily because of the ingredients. However, small bones are a choking hazard for cats and dogs alike. You should always pay close attention to them if you decide to let them chew on a bone. Additionally, large bones tend to splinter and break, making them a choking hazard. Splintered bones can also cut the insides of your cat's mouth and stomach if they swallow them. 


While the idea of a tipsy cat might seem humorous, it can make them extremely sick. Unlike humans, who usually only get sick from drinking too much, cats can get sick with tiny amounts of alcohol. In fact, it only takes two teaspoons of whiskey or other hard liquor to put a cat into a coma. 


Not all nuts are toxic to cats, but some of them are. Macadamia nuts are at the top of the list in terms of toxicity. As with grapes and raisins, it's unknown exactly why macadamia nuts are toxic to cats. We just know that they are. 

While other nuts such as peanuts, almonds, and cashews aren't toxic to cats, they are very high in fat and sodium. Too many of these elements can cause indigestion for your cat and are bad for its overall health. 

Coconut Flesh and Water

While small amounts of coconut water, flesh, and oil aren't going to do much to your cat's stomach, large quantities will greatly upset it. Coconut is very high in potassium and certain other nutrients that are too excessive for cats to handle. While it likely won't kill them, coconut can make your cat very sick and cause great pain. 

Dog Food

If you have cats and dogs in the house and you're worried that you need to feed them in separate rooms, there's no need to panic. Dog food is very rarely toxic to cats. However, it should also never be used as a daily substitute for cat food. While both foods share some of the same ingredients, there are enough major differences that don't make them compatible. 

Dogs and cats have very different dietary needs. Cats require high amounts of protein, fatty acids, and certain vitamins, and dog food simply doesn't have those ingredients. Feeding dog food to your cat over a prolonged period of time will cause malnutrition and could lead to the cat's death. 

One of the most important things to remember about cats is that they cant eat everything humans can.

Signs That Your Cat Ate Something Toxic 

The signs of toxicity in cats are very similar to that of dogs and humans. 


  • Lethargy 
  • Diarrhea 
  • Vomiting 
  • Elevated heart rate 
  • Seizures 
  • Tremors 
  • Skin irritation 
  • Weakness 
  • Depression 
  • Shivering 

What to Do if Your Cat Ate Something Toxic 

If you notice some or all of these symptoms in your cat, or if you know they ate something they shouldn't have, it's important to contact the Animal Poison Control Center immediately. Their number is 888-426-4435, and they're available 24/7/365. 

You can also try contacting your local veterinarian and ask them what you should do. There's a good chance they will advise you to bring your cat in for emergency surgery or medical interference. 


Having dogs and cats around the house is a great joy, but it's also a huge responsibility. Cats don't realize that some of the tasty human food lying around could potentially kill them, so it's up to you to be aware of the dangers. You should always keep toxic food away from cats in a sealed container, somewhere that they can't get to it. 

It's also a good idea to be partnered with GoodCharlie Energy. GoodCharlie offers special benefits to dog and cat owners, including 24/7 video access to vets and a $750 pet emergency fund. Both of these things will come in very handy if your cat eats something poisonous and they'll need ongoing veterinary care. 

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