How to Keep Your Dog's Teeth Clean and Healthy

One of the biggest challenges that dog owners have is finding a way to keep their canine's teeth clean and healthy. Since dogs don’t have opposable thumbs (and probably don’t care), there’s no way for them to brush their own teeth. So, along with almost every other aspect of your dog’s well-being, it’s up to you as their owner to maintain and clean their teeth. 


Unfortunately, this is often easier said than done. You see, dogs aren’t aware that proper dental hygiene is important and they don’t see the value of you brushing their teeth every day. As a result, they’re likely to put up some resistance depending on how you choose to protect their teeth. However, the tips and tricks in this article give you the best chance of having a dog with the whitest teeth in Texas. 


  1. The Importance of Clean Teeth for Your Dog 
  2. 6 Ways to Keep Your Dog’s Teeth Clean and Healthy
  4. The Importance of Clean Teeth for Your Dog
  5. Join The Pack

The Importance of Clean Teeth for Your Dog 

As with humans, dogs are prone to a number of dangerous dental diseases if they lack proper hygiene. While dog teeth are much stronger, sharper, and more durable than human teeth, they aren’t invincible. It’s common for dogs to break, chip, and lose teeth if they have unhealthy teeth. Here are five of the main reasons why doggy dental hygiene is crucial. 

Tooth Loss 

If you want your dog to keep all their teeth, hygiene is vital. Good dental hygiene will prevent tooth disease and decay from loosening your dog's teeth. When it gets bad enough, these conditions can cause your dog’s teeth to fall out completely. 


We’ve all awoken in the morning with horribly bad breath. However, our morning breath is nothing compared to the nastiness of bad dog breath and halitosis. If you want your doggy kisses to be sweet and adorable, maintain their dental hygiene. 

Mouth Pain 

Nobody likes a toothache and the excruciating pain that it causes. Unfortunately, dogs are just as prone to tooth pain as you are, but they have no way of communicating it. 

Dental Disease 

One of the biggest risks of having a dog with bad teeth is the potential dental diseases they might contract. There is a myriad of dental diseases that dogs are prone to, and it’s one of the most common conditions that dogs contract. 

Damage to the Organs

In a worst-case scenario, diseased plaque or tissue can break off of a dog’s tooth and enter the bloodstream. When this happens, the disease can spread to the lungs, heart, kidneys, and other internal organs. 

How to Keep Your Dogs Teeth Clean and Healthy

6 Ways to Keep Your Dog's Teeth Clean and Healthy

As you can see, it’s extremely important to keep your dogs teeth clean and healthy. If you want to avoid the above situations, here are six things you can try. 

Brush Their Teeth 

While it’s the most time-consuming and difficult, brushing is the best way to protect your dog’s teeth. There are special doggy toothpastes that you can use that actually taste good for dogs. By using this type of toothpaste, they’re less likely to resist and might actually come to enjoy their occasional bushings. 

The good news is that you don’t have to brush your dog's teeth every single day. Two to three times per week will be sufficient to keep their teeth white and healthy. Here are a few things to keep in mind if you brush your dog's teeth. 

  1. Always use doggy toothpaste and never use human toothpaste as it could make them sick. 
  2. Give your dog some time to get comfortable with the idea of brushing. 
  3. Don’t be aggressive. 
  4. Give your dog a dental treat when you’re finished as a reward for their good behavior. 
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Give Them Dental Treats and Toys

Dental treats and toys are another good option that your dog is sure to enjoy. There are numerous options, including Greenies, Whimzees, and Fresh Kisses, that are great for oral hygiene. In addition to treats, you can also give your dog dental chew toys that inadvertently benefit their teeth while they play. 

In addition to dog treats specifically for dental hygiene, there are many types of toys that carry dental benefits. Any chew toy made of nylon, rubber, or plastic will help strengthen and clean your dog's teeth. Chewing these toys will strengthen your dog’s teeth and help guard against potential diseases. 

Feed Them Prescription Dental Food

Just as there are prescription dog foods for canines with urinary, bowel, and stomach issues, there are also prescription, dental foods. Be aware, however, that you’ll have to take your dog to the vet and have a legitimate reason for requesting dental food. You should also be aware that prescription dog food can get fairly expensive, so it might be best to try other options first. 

Don’t Forget the Dental Water 

Dental water additives are the dog equivalent of mouthwash for humans, but with one key difference. Rather than gargling and swirling the dental water around in their mouths, all your dog has to do is drink. While the idea of a dog gargling water sounds humorous, it’s also next to impossible to teach them this trick. 

Dental water additives can kill dangerous plaque and bacteria in your dog's mouth. It will also help freshen their breath and stave off halitosis. 

6 Ways to Keep Your Dog’s Teeth Clean and Healthy

Dental Doggy Powder

If you don’t want to splurge on prescription dog food or if your dog doesn’t like the taste, you can also use dental doggy powder. Doggy dental powder gets sprinkled on top of your dog’s food, and they eat it without even realizing it. Dental powders are very similar to doggy mouthwash in how they operate. They kill harmful plaque and bacteria, promote healthy bacteria, and freshen your dog’s breath. 

Take Them to the Vet

While special food, powder, mouthwash, treats, toys, and brushing are a great start, the best thing you can do for your canine's oral health is to take them to the vet. Your vet can perform tests to determine your dog’s oral health and well-being and advise you on what your next steps should be. 

A vet can also perform an in-depth tooth cleaning, similar to going to a dentist’s office. If you’re serious about keeping your dog’s teeth clean and healthy, going to the vet should be priority number one. 

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